by An Uncommon Lab


function hw1ans3()
% Homework 1, Answer 3: The Basic Filter Method
% This function solves homework problem 1 using one of the "basic filters".
% It requires that we construct the simulation and Monte-Carlo loops
% directly, but is still pretty easy since this is a linear problem.
% See skfexample('hw1') for more.
% Copyright 2016 An Uncommon Lab
    % Constants for the dynamics
    dt = 0.25; % Time step [s]
    m  = 10;   % Mass [kg]
    k  = 5;    % Spring constant [N/m]
    b  = 2;    % Spring damping  [N/(m/s)]
    % Continuous-time Jacobian for the linear system: x_dot = A * x
    A = [0 1; -k/m, -b/m];
    % Discrete-time Jacobian: x_k = F * x_km1
    F = expm(A * dt);
    % The process noise consists of a single acceleration parameter, q. 
    % This acceleration maps to the change in position and velocity as:
    %   dp = 0.5 * dt^2 * q
    %   dv = dt * q
    % Or, using the state vector x = [p; v]:
    %   dx = [0.5 * dt^2; dt] * q = Fq * q
    % The covariance of dx is (using E(.) as the expectation operator):
    %   E(dx * dx.') = E(Fq * q * q.' * Fq.') 
    %                = Fq * E(q*q.') * Fq.' 
    %                = Fq * Q * Fq.'
    % where Q is the given process noise variance (0.1 m/s^2)^2.
    Q  = 0.1^2;
    Fq = [0.5*dt^2; dt];
    Qe = Fq * Q^2 * Fq.';
    % We observe the position only.
    H = [1 0];
    % The measurement noise variance is given as m^2.
    R = 0.1^2;
    % The initial estimate and covariance are given.
    x_hat_0 = [1; 0];      % [m,   m/s]
    P_0     = diag([1 2]); % [m^2, m^2/s^2]
    % Create the initial true state from the initial estimate and
    % covariance.
    x_0 = x_hat_0 + mnddraw(P_0);
    % Create the time histories.
    t     = 0:dt:30;
    n     = length(t);
    x     = [x_0,       zeros(2, n-1)];
    x_hat = [x_hat_0,   zeros(2, n-1)];
    P     = cat(3, P_0, zeros(2, 2, n-1));
    % Simulate to the 30s end time.
    for k = 2:n
        % Update the truth.
        x(:, k) = F * x(:, k-1) + Fq * mnddraw(Q);
        % Create the measurement.
        z = x(1, k) + mnddraw(R);
        % Run the linear filter for a single step.
        [x_hat(:, k), P(:, :, k)] = lkf(x_hat(:, k-1), P(:, :, k-1), ...
                                        [], z, F, [], H, Qe, R);
    end % sim loop
    % Plot the results to make sure things look good.
    subplot(2, 1, 1);
    plot(t, x(1, :), t, x_hat(1, :));
    subplot(2, 1, 2);
    plot(t, x(2, :), t, x_hat(2, :));
    % Do the above for 100 runs for a Monte-Carlo test.
    m = 100;
    errs_mc = zeros(2, n, m);
    P_mc    = zeros(2, 2, n, m);
    for r = 1:m
        % Create the initial true state.
        x_0    = x_hat_0 + mnddraw(P_0);
        % Create the histories for this run.
        x     = [x_0, zeros(2, n-1)];
        x_hat = [x_hat_0, zeros(2, n-1)];
        P     = cat(3, P_0, zeros(2, 2, n-1));
        % Simulate to the 30s end time.
        for k = 2:n
            % Update the truth.
            x(:, k) = F * x(:, k-1) + Fq * mnddraw(Q);
            % Create the measurement.
            z = x(1, k) + mnddraw(R);
            % Run the linear filter for a single step.
            [x_hat(:, k), P(:, :, k)] = lkf(x_hat(:, k-1), P(:, :, k-1), ...
                                            [], z, F, [], H, Q, R);
        end % sim loop
        % Record the errors and covariance.
        errs_mc(:, :, r) = x - x_hat;
        P_mc(:, :, :, r) = P;
    end % mc loop
    % Plot the normalized estimation error squared.
    unique_figure([mfilename() ':NEES']);
    normerr(errs_mc, P_mc, 0.95, 1);
    title('Normalized Estimate Error Squared');
    % Plot the normalized mean estimate error.
    unique_figure([mfilename() ':NMEE']);
    normerr(errs_mc, P_mc, 0.95, 2);
    title('Normalized Mean Estimate Error');
end % hw1ans3
Percent of data in theoretical 95.0% bounds: 89.3%
Percent of data in theoretical 95.0% bounds: 99.2%

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